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Whoopsie Daisy: Whoopi's Worst Movies

Everybody knows that I am quite possibly one of the world’s biggest Whoopi Goldberg fans. Having been fed a healthy Whoopi diet from a very young age, I have had the pleasure to watch and support her throughout her eclectic career, including her brief stint in London’s West End when she was in Sister Act: The Musical. I even dedicated an entire week to her on this blog, counting down her top five best movies.

I thought that she could do no wrong, but that was only when I was watching her at her best, ignorantly and naively ignoring that she could have low points in her stellar career.  And as much as it pains me to say it, I was terribly, terribly wrong. For every great film she has made, there are three awful ones. For every Ghost, there’s Monkeybone, Kiss Shot, and Eddie. Why Whoopi- why did you make this utter crap? Did you do it for the money? Did you do it for the fame? Did you do it because you couldn’t do anything better? Or did you do it because you are unable to see just how bad a film might turn out? 

Regardless of her reasons why, it happened, and because of this, fans like me have had to sit through some awful, horrible excuses for entertainment: movies so bad that they aren’t even ‘so bad they are good’- they are just dreadful. I have wasted many precious hours of my life hoping to find some diamonds in the coal, unfortunately coming to the realisation that Whoopi has made more bad movies than good ones... We all know that when Whoopi makes a good film, it’s brilliant, but as I have discovered, when she makes a bad film... it’s dire. 

So I now present to you, Whoopi’s worst mistakes- the movies that you definitely should avoid at all costs, if only to continue having an illusion of Whoopi as an actress that only makes classic cinema gold. Oh Whoopi... how could you unleash these onto the world? How could you do this, not just to me, a loyal fan, but to the entire human population, and to yourself, forever tarnishing your golden reputation?

Kiss Shot (1989)

The Plot
Whoopi plays a single mother who loses her job and so can no longer support herself and her child. So she does what any mother would do: she becomes a pool hustler and enters a pool tournament to win a large sum of money, falling in love with her main rival along the way. 

Whoopi is keeping her eye on the prize...

Why is it so bad?
The above plot synopsis is about as intelligible as Kiss Shot gets, mainly because most of the film lacks any kind of cohesion or comprehension. Kiss Shot is a classic example of when no one even bothered to read the script to see if it was any good, but was made into a movie regardless.

Worst Moments
  • Just when Whoopi is about to play the final game, the one to win it all, the film decides NOT to show us the match, and instead shows Whoopi with a big satchel of money in a flashy sports car, running into a bank to pay off her debts, assuring us that she won.
  • Not only does she win, but the man she beats, who she has also fallen in and out of love with during the course of the film, has cheated on her. This situation is quickly and nonsensically resolved by showing them kissing one another at the end, offering no explanation at all for how or why they got back together... I guess they forgave each other?

Burglar (1987)

The Plot
Whoopi plays a burglar, who steals things. I can’t actually remember much more about the film because it was so awful and I lost interest. Something about a diamond or possibly a murder or something? Who knows, and more importantly, who cares?

Why is it so bad?
I actually turned this off half way through, an unknown and extremely rare thing for me to do in any movie, let alone a Whoopi movie. I have sat through a lot of crap in my lifetime, but this film was beyond bad... it was unforgivably awful: the fact I remember nothing about it proves my point.

Motherbikes and leather catsuits have never been so sexy...

Worst Moments
The whole film is a mess, but the worst offense is probably the fact that Whoopi has a supposedly ‘funny’ sidekick (that man with the high squeaky voice from Police Academy) who is gay, and since this is an 80’s film I think we are meant to be laughing at him for being so... How times have changed.

Monkeybone (2001)

The Plot
Brendan Frazier plays the creator of a mischievous cartoon monkey, dies in an accident, and said cartoon monkey then takes over his body and he has to escape hell and try to evict the fictional monkey from his corpse so he can come back to life...
Just read that sentence again and try and decide whether or not the movie was successful in pulling that off...

Why is it so bad?
Not only is Monkeybone the worst film Whoopi has ever been involved in, it is quite possibly one of the worst films ever made. I’m sure on paper, it might have possibly sounded good: a film based on a famous comic strip about a crazy monkey, starring Brendan Frazier, Bridget Fonda and Whoopi Goldberg. Sure: that part sounds... interesting. But when you explain the actually plot, and then try to put this on screen as an actual movie, it all falls apart.

Worst Moments
  • Whoopi is only in the film, briefly, as a cameo, in hell, as the Devil, who likes to takes her head off and throw it around. Perhaps she thought it would be a fun role to play, or maybe she got paid a truck load of cash: either way, she should have just said no.
  • Anything involving the monkey.
  • The fact that this film probably destroyed Bridget Fonda’s career.
  • Any moment with Brendan Frazier, who is famous for being a caveman, a brain-dead rocker and George of the Jungle. Even he is too good for this!!!
  • The fact that this is probably one of the worst films ever made and that whoever watches it should be given an hour and a half of their lives back to them on behalf of the filmmakers just about sums it up. 
Whoopi as Death. With an eyepatch. This film is just too awful for words.

Theodore Rex (1995)

The Plot
In a futuristic world, the toughest crime fighting cop (played by Whoopi) is given a new partner... a tyrannosaurus rex. And together they have to solve a murder (of a dinosaur, in what is called a 'dinoside'). It sounds too awful to be true, but if you want to see it for yourself, just watch this trailer: