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Jeremy Piven accused of sexual assault and another Hollywood member of the far-left that felt pussy was there to be taken

Leroy Yates
  Poor Jeremy Piven. The Hollywood big wig big shot actor was suppose to be a guest on the Late Sow when the show suddenly canceled him as a guest the other day further embarrassing him through the media. An actress named Ariane Bellamar said that Jeremy had gotten drunk like as a skunk and cornered her one night of heavy drinking at a Hollywood party trying to get a kiss,grab some ass, and maybe playing a game of stink finger. She hurriedly got out of the situation and now some years later decided to go after and humiliate Mr Jeremy Piven and threaten his status as a permanent fixture for bad Hollywood comedies.
Why shit face freaks like Will Ferrell and Jeremy Oven,Owen Wilson, and Ben Stiller have been allowed starring in so many movies always puzzled me as these unremarkable figures don't wow folks in any manner. I imagine many of these dudes just buy their way into new movie productions and work and in Jeremy Piven's case this couldn't be more the case. I will never forget this ass hoes dismal performance alongside Dennis Leary in Judgement night as Jeremy's dismal performance and phlegmatic acting basically brought the movie down.
The television series Entourage was perhaps the stupidest shit seen on television mainly due to Jeremy's position on the program and clearly at this entourage party Piven was so well established in his TV career he thought pussy was there for the taking. Clearly Hollywood is filled with bimbos that would be impressed by Jeremy and give him one or two night stands but in many cases Jeremy Piven and others overestimate their  power and make fatal mistakes that eventually will come back to haunt them as it has for this prick ass. Without his family connections this guy wpould never be near screen and driving a bus or serving coffee where his talents are better suited.

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