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Sam Harris talks to former Muslim Sarah Haider and the need for Muslims to reform and freedom of choice to leave cult

Oscar Orton
   leaving Islam was the topic of discussion of Sam Harris with former Muslim Sarah Haider as the both of them spoke of the dangers of Muslims wishing to explore other religions or atheism. Harris couldn't believe that women in Burkas and hijab  are not honest about how their religion and male family members force these garments as advertising for Islam and that this religion and silly outfits contradicts all peaceful intentions claimed by Muslims. the fact that Muslims face dangers from own family members and others for criticizing or leaving this cult confuses the lie that the
Western media and left proclaim in defense of this scary and mid evil cult that has survived through its own oppression on the people born into this culture. I just wish Sam Harris and his guest Sarah Haider had explored more how money in politics has played a major role in increased jihadist action  around the world as petrodollars support Wahhabi thought based in Saudi Arabia and being exported around the world mainly financed by energy purchases form america and Europe. the amount of honor killings in both the est and the Middle East by Muslims against Muslim women will never be reported accurately by the bought and bias Western media wishing not to displease their advertising revenue stream. Sarah is part of a group of former Muslims and she described the perilous position Muslims wishing to give up religion and following of it face in both persecution and death. Haider and Harris talked about the cognitive dissonance of Muslims in believing literally everything their Iman and Koran speak of no matter how impossible or impractical science and fact has disprove the miracles and fake news of Islam of flying horses  and so forth. Islam always has been and always will be fake bullshit and an excuse for supremacy whether it be brown or Arab through the years as travelers of this banner used it in the same terror and destruction leftist liberals talk of the Spanish empire and Christianity and the lefts unwillingness to get real on this fakery if slam and how its used to subjugate mainly women is a shame and tar on the progressive and liberalism ideas and values Europe once held through objective thought.

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