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Valentine's Day: Self Care Sunday

For some of us Sunday is going to be a regular day; whether you are in a relationship or not, a lot of people chose not to give Valentine's day a second thought. Despite my various blog post about Valentines this year, I am not a believer, I think it is complete crap and if you are in a relationship you shouldn't use one specific day to treat your partner correctly you should do it all year round. 

You should look after your wellness and mental health in the same way you look after a relationship, you need to take the time to look after it so why not use a day like Valentines to take care of yourself, especially if you are single. I might not believe in the tradition of Valentines but I certainly believe in looking after myself! I automatically feel more confident when I have had a pamper day so take the time this Sunday to give yourself a rest day and make yourself feel like the best you. Here are my top ways to pamper myself...

Buy Yourself Something You Want

Don’t wait for someone to gift you it, treat yourself to it and make yourself your own sugar daddy. We all have things we want to treat ourselves to but thanks to life, we rarely take the time to allow ourselves to enjoy what we work so hard for so take the time on Valentine’s to buy yourself something you have been eyeing up.

A couple of days before Valentine’s I placed an order on Cult Beauty for a few items I really wanted to try and I don't often buy stuff that I just want to try, I typically buy something when I need it. Just the thrill of waiting for the items to arrive and being able to play around with makeup felt incredible. I haven't been wearing makeup very often because I simply cannot be bothered but sometimes it is just nice to play with makeup and put some on. 

This little haul made me feel good about how hard I work. I have been working hard and it can be difficult to see why you work so much when you cannot go out and enjoy your free time but you can balance this by occasionally treating yourself to something you want. 

Plus if you are single no one else is going to be buying you a gift so make sure you get yourself something! Quite often I will buy myself some of the discount roses from M&S the day after Valentines because I like Roses but I do not see the point in other people buying them for me, I can buy them for myself and get 50% off! Something simple like having flowers in your house can make a massive difference to your outlook on life. 

Wear What Makes You Feel Comfortable Yet Confident 

I have been feeling a bit down in myself lately thanks to the pandemic making me gain weight and making me feel like I do not need to put as much effort into the way I dress so I have taken to wearing my nice underwear under my joggers and baggy jumpers and instantly I’ve felt better about myself again. Wearing lingerie makes me feel confident and I think we all need that at a time like this. It has been so easy to throw on our jammies and joggers but I do think it is important for us to put a bit of effort in every now and again.

Not everyone is going to feel confident in lingerie, perhaps you have a favourite jumper that you like to wear and that makes you feel good about yourself or even something as simple as wearing your luxury pyjamas that you hardly ever wear. Make sure you wear them this Sunday, even if no one is going to see them.

Two items that really change how I feel are red lipstick and perfume. When I have a red lipstick on I feel bold and fearless which is why I often wear it. When I am feeling bad about myself it helps to change my mindset. I might not wear my jammies and a red lipstick on Sunday but you might want to if you are dressing up, however I would definitely be able to put on my favourite fragrance. 

Do you have a date night fragrance that makes you feel sexy and empowered, why wouldn't you wear it on Valentines? Even if you aren't seeing anyone else, a scent can honestly change your mood so I think it is the day to be wearing your favourite fragrance. I will be bringing out my bottle of Velvet Orchid from Tom Ford, I might be single so no one else will benefit from this gorgeous scent but it is enough that it will make me feel powerful and sexy. 

Take the time on Valentine's to wear the pieces you love and that make you feel empowered but make sure you are also comfortable because the likelihood is you aren't going to be leaving your house at the moment. 

Skincare Sunday 

Taking care of yourself can often be the last thing we feel like doing. I get that and have been feeling the same but it is important to take time for yourself and to appreciate yourself and nothing feels better than the post Skincare Sunday glow. 

I use my Sunday Skincare routine to take the time to cleanse, mask and moisturise. Sunday is the perfect time for a double cleanse and using a mask to combat the skin issue you are having at that moment. Quite often I end up using a clay mask and a hydrating mask afterwards. Then it is serum time and a rich luxurious face cream. 

Before you start your routine it does seem overwhelming and you question whether you can be bothered but honestly it makes you feels so relaxed and it does change your outlook on yourself. You are taking the time to look after yourself and the effects last for the rest of the week!

Bath Time!

I love skincare and I am a strong believer that a good routine can make anyone feel better and there are so many benefits to doing it but it might not be enough for you. You might not want to take ages waiting for masks to dry and serums to sink in so perhaps a bath is more for you. 

I think having a bath is the ultimate luxury, it means you have the time to spare to just sit and forget about everything outside of your bath room. I leave my phone in my bedroom so no one can hassle me and sit there with a tea and a magazine until I look like me in 80 years. 

I keep a good stock of Lush bath bombs but for these sorts of occasions, when I truly want to treat myself, I have a bottle of Jo Malone London Bath Oil in the scent Red Roses. Red Roses is not one of my favourites from the brand when it comes to their perfumes instead I think it is better in their Bath and Body range, especially in the Bath Oil. The scent is a true rose scent so it is rich and voluptuous but it has a soft, delicate side and I just love it. The bath oil isn't oily at all, it melts into the water and the rose fragrance creates the most gorgeous aroma around you. Not everyone is going to have a bottle of Jo Malone Bath Oil but make sure you use something that you have that you wouldn't use regularly, use your best products!

Another thing is shave your legs, even if no one else is going to feel the benefits, you will and there is nothing like getting into bed with freshly shaved legs. Cover your body in a body butter that is really going to nourish your skin, it instantly feels pampering when you are taking the time to look after yourself in a way that you wouldn't do every day. Even if you do bath everyday you might not have the time to apply moisturiser. I have the best intentions when it comes to using body products but if I am heading to work I simply do not have the time, it is a treat for the weekends. Things like that are the exact thing you want to be doing to look after yourself this Valentine's. 

Light that Luxury Candle You've Been Saving

We all have luxury candles that we have either treated ourselves to or we have been gifted and they have sat unused because they are so lovely we are scared to use them. Now is the time to light them. As Emma Gannon pointed out we have been saving them for this exact moment, we can’t leave the house and we need to treat ourselves so light that candle.

I have just started my large Diptyque Ambre Plume which I adore and have been saving as I cannot be without it in my life and I also have a White Lilac & Rhubarb Candle that I love from Jo Malone London! I rarely burn it as whenever I am in store they have sold out but it is such a beautiful, hopeful scent and by buying one you help mental health charities which is something I am more than happy to support. 

Lighting a candle just softens any room and creates such an inviting atmosphere and combine that with one that smells absolutely incredible, you are on to a self care winner.

Hopefully this has given you some ideas on what you can do to look after yourself this Valentines and make you feel like the best version of yourself, even if you aren't spending the day with someone else. I will be spending this Sunday using Valentine's as an excuse to look after myself. 

I do still think that Valentine’s is a non holiday created for idiots to spend money on something they should be doing all year round but a lot of the suggestions I’ve provided do not cost money and really are something you could do any day, it is just good to use Valentine’s as an excuse to look after you.

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