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Full Court press against Trump by bought media (part 3) Clarence Page accuses Trump and Ice of tribalism and Putinism

  Jordan Morgan
   For some three decades fuck face columnist Clarence Page has written politically bias articles and his attacks and blast of president trump have worn thin. This jackass was just one of many left-wing columnists attacking president Trump for meeting with Vladimir Putin and making enemies of our suppose allies in Europe who we have given a free ride and allowed ourselves in a protection racket for these nations as Trump wisely states ids a waste of money as Germany does pipeline deals with Russia and the nations we are suppose to be protecting them form. How much of a danger does Russia and China pose when their intentional investing classes makes deals and pacts for trade and energy deals.
  Russia is about as much of a threat to Germany and France with pipeline deals as Finland and Norway are to these countries security. To an asshole like Clarence page though Trump is a racist and a meat head for wondering about these migration patterns that basically gives Muslims freebies and welfare in Europe's nanny state as little expenditures for these nations on their own military   is ever a fact of life. Clarence Page says ICE is Trumps tool and private army as he sees this government agency as unnecessary as an open-borders global piece of shit as Mr Page always has advanced and been established in the media because of his support for this bought system. It is opinion and thought like Clarence Page that allowed a tragedy like 9/11 to transpire eon this country and thankfully we had tough measures put in by the Bush Administrations along with Trump to make these attacks on American civilians and targets much less vulnerable

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