For the next part of my A Level Revision series, I want to share how to make a basic revision mind map poster on a sheet of A4 paper. As an example I am showing you how I do one of my revision posters for Sociolgy. Our teacher gave us sheets of information split into sub-topics so I made a revision poster to help me revise.
The equipment you need is a sheet or a book of information for the subject you want to revise, plain A4 paper and some pens, preferably black and coloured pens.

One of the topics for this unit is 'Birth'. Write the sub-topic name in nice big writing in the middle of the page.

The next step I did was draw arrows in blue with the three headings on the sheet.

In black, I drew some more arrows and wrote a condensed version of the information on the mindmap.

Go ahead and fill the rest of the sheet in. I also added some thicket arrows connecting the points together.
So I hope you got an idea as to how to make a revision mind map or poster. You can use this idea for most subjects that you would sit an exam paper because some subjects require a practical task for the exam like Photography for example. Once you have written your revision poster you can photocopy them and stick one in each room of the house or you can one of each poster on one big wall where you can see them all. Putting them in a ring binder folder may also work for you as well.
How do you revise for your Exams? Tell me below!
SparkleEyes x
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